Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Check THIS One Out...Wine Library TV

I don't steer you guys to other sites very often. I'm greedy and want you visiting this one (and supporting the advertisers to the left hint hint), so I don't want to turn you on to the other (even better) options out there.

This one must be shared however. I first read about this guy in New York magazine. And I love what he does. He describes wine in terms we can all understand. (One of my favorites was when he decribes a Gewurtztraminer by comparing it to a damp towel, shampoo and a wet rock. And those weren't necessarily criticisms!)

You'll know where he stands at the end....just like your financial adviser, he'll give you a "Buy" or "Pass" recommendation. It's the kind of resource I love. Great information presented in a very entertaining way.

So, go check out Gary Vaynerchuck and his Wine Library TV. Then come back here and tell me what YOU think.

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