Saturday, October 07, 2006

Make it simple. Call take-out!

Yes, I believe life should be beautiful. But achieving that shouldn't create more work...and it shouldn't put us in competition with ourselves or the legions of Martha Stewart wannabes out there. I think there are many things we can do to enhance our lives and give us pleasure; many of them take a bit of effort and time. But I am a firm believer in shortcuts and look for them at every opportunity. The world is full of products and services that can give us more time to sit back and enjoy the lives we've created for ourselves.

I was reminded of this the other day in a conversation with a colleague. She was telling me about International Family Day at her daughter's school, and knowing my interest in cooking, she asked me if I had a good recipe for egg rolls. I asked her (probably not delicately enough) why the heck she would even consider MAKING egg rolls when there were so many places out there that she could buy them.

It didn't take long for me to convince her that her daughter would not feel neglected or end up emotionally scarred if she bought some really good fresh egg rolls from a quality Chinese restaurant with folks who knew what they were doing. I even referred her to the place that I think prepares the freshest best Chinese food in the Dallas area--Cathy's Wok on Frankford off the Tollway. A couple of days later, she reported that the Cathy's wonderful egg rolls were a big hit.

Now, I'm not afraid of a challenge, especially a culinary one. I have taught myself to make fresh pasta and have served wonderful hand-made ravioli on several occasions. It's a feat to be proud of, but it takes hours, a lot of equipment, and I always end up with a huge mess in the kitchen. Certainly, I'll keep it in my repertoire for special occasions, but for an everyday meal, I will stop by a specialty pasta place...or even my grocery's refrigerated section... on the way home from work and buy THEIR ravioli.

That's a hallmark of how I live my life and make it simpler. If someone else can cook something better and easier than me, why not take advantage of that? So, I have comparison shopped and have my favorite Thai food spot, a go-to Chinese food place that delivers, even a neighborhood Italian restaurant I call when I have a hankering for their sinful homemade fettucine alfredo.

If you look around, you'll discover the same opportunities in your neighborhood...and if you're lucky, you might even have a taco stand or Greek restaurant around the corner. Check them out. If they meet your approval and budget, put them on speed dial, and don't be afraid or ashamed to use them. It will give you much more time to sit and enjoy an extra glass of wine. Perhaps best of all, there will be far fewer dishes to wash!

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